Thursday, March 26, 2015

Almost Easter!

Just in case you didn't know...I LOVE SPRING!!  What an awesome week to be 6 and 7!!  We enjoyed sorting seeds in Science ( Alliteration?!) and talking about how different seeds have different needs and grow different things!

We also planted our Indoor Garden and students chose between grass and sunflower seeds...Helper of the Day has another added task... watering daily! 

My surprise of the week...listening to their writing using personification.  We read a poem and book that both used personification and the kids picked something to personify.  They read their details to the class and the class had to decide what they were personifying.  One person wrote "I have hooves.  I love when you ride me.  Don't forget to feed and brush me". There were great details used.  I was impressed to say the least!  GREAT JOB!!!

I am so proud that we have reached 400 as a group and beyond!!  Students made and flew kites and we divided our snack foods of 400 pieces among 23 students.  Great division problem!  Snack is ready for sharing on Friday!

Hope to see you on Tuesday at 9:30 AM for Awards Day!

1 comment:

  1. I love the indoor garden idea!!! Tell Colten to explain to you how his tiny seed from church has grown into a sprawling plant in our kitchen!!
